Monday, November 5, 2007

Question Time

My children are each curled up in their respective chairs and reading a book, and it warms the cockles of my heart. (I'm not really sure what "cockles" are, but it must be a good word because it has "cock" in it. Um, I was talking about my kids, right? Yes, let's get back to that.) Anyway, this scene is what I envisioned when I had children. Surely my kids would be avid readers since books would play such a large part in their lives whether they were being read to or watching me read (and, truth be told, there were days when it was only watching me read. Harry Potter release days? They definitely watched me read.).


Because I had the audacity to even think about how lovely the aforementioned scene was, the situation started deteriorating as I typed the last sentence. Eff you, Murphy!

I noticed that there hadn't been any recent page turning and I thought I ought to survey the goings on in the other room. Lo and behold, my children had scampered off to the bathroom to fill the sink to the top with water to test whether an object floated or not. Some objects were apparently heavier than others and caused the excess water to spill onto the floor. I'm all for doing scientific experiments. I just wish they'd save the messy ones for their dad's house.

We cleaned the mess up, I cleaned them up, and now they're back to plotting their next evil-doings.


So, you know how sometimes you get drunk at a party? And there happens to be this boy that you think is fantastic there? And alcohol kind of blurs your judgment and you momentarily forget that he's ten years your junior? And when he's leaving, you call him back and plant a big, fat kiss on him? And then later that night you suggestively drunk text each other? And then you wake up the next morning and realize with horror what you've done and thank baby jesus that both of you were too drunk to drive and couldn't drive to each other to make an even bigger mistake?

Yeah? It's happened to you too? Excellent. Perhaps you can lend me some advice then.

How do you handle things the next time you see your young lad (or lass, as the case may be)? Do you pretend it never happened? Do you make a joke about it and laugh it off? Do stick your tongue down his throat the minute you see him?

This is a very important question. It's for a friend, of course.


Jamie said...

Question Time! w00ty.

When were you partying in Scotland? Oh, I'm sorry, I mean - when was your friend partying in Scotland? That's pretty cool, but I honestly can't say that *I've* done that before. I've also never had any encounters with boys ten years younger than me but I'll try to equate it with a similar situation I may or may not have had ... here in the States. I know that any experience I may have with a non-Scotsman that is close to my own age is totally boring but hey, it's the best I can do. I'm just hoping it's enough to help me respond to your question.

Anywayyyz, I think the best thing to do is to act completely chill. You know, not acting like it didn't happen, but also not laughing it off. You act like whatever happened between the two of you was exactly what you intended to happen and that you were completely in control that night. That's what I would do. I think. Well it sounds good anyway.
Also this is a good way to leave the door open for any possible future tonsil polishings. Which is probably a good idea too.

So yeah, that's probably what I'd do. Although I'm thinking that choice C, "stick your tongue down his throat the minute you see him" has a lot of merit as well. I guess it would just depend on my mood.

Good luck! ... uh, to t's friend!

Kathy Howe said...

I would completely forget about it. Blame your memory lapse on the booze.

Anonymous said...

Tell your friend to avoid any future parties where the lad might be. Whew, I'm so relieved you're mature enough to not get yourself into the same crazy predicaments your friend keeps finding herself (or himself, whatever the case may be).


Anonymous said...

The more important question is why didn't you get a cab to his place on the night of?

Anonymous said...

I personally think you should eff him retarded.

T said...

I'll update tomorrow (er later today) about how I handled it. As always, you guys made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Wow, are you turning into a cougar? I read about you older women (ok, even though you're younger than me) seducing younger men in my cosmo...LOL, just give him a roll, maybe it'll be well worth it!

T said...

Jessica, I don't want to be a cougar!

Anonymous said...


I'm pretty sure the guy I told you about at the Halloween has gone for the not only pretend it never happened option, but with the pretend we don't even know each other addition.

I hope you make it out next Wednesday. The first round is on me.