Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Day in the Life

I don't think I'm ever going to be the same again after seeing and reading this. Pure nightmare material.

I've had a crazy, hectic day. Let me detail it for you.

8:15am - Wake up late.

8:35am - Get into car to go to work; it doesn't start.

8:55am - Car starts. (It's an electrical issue that I'm going to get taken care of any day now.)

9:20am - Get to work (late) and WORK. I seriously work. Dude.

10:30am - Start to worry about my FedEx package that was supposed to have been delivered before 10am.

10:31am - Keep working feverishly or ... something.

11am - Fret some more about FedEx package.

1pm - Everyone leaves work. Except me. I continue to work while I glance at the door every 30 seconds to see if the FedEx package is being delivered YET. It isn't delivered.

3:30pm - Curse FedEx. I have stuff to do! Lots of it! DAMN IT!

4:15pm - Leave to run errands that cannot be put off any longer. Say multiple curse words.

4:25pm - Stare at the locked door of the bank in disbelief.

4:25:30pm - Crying ensues.

4:30pm - Pull into motor bank while continuing to cry.

4:31pm - Look pathetic enough to get one of my checks cashed even though it is over the limit so I don't have to travel internationally with only $4 in cash. Also make deposits totaling more than four years of my salary.

4:35pm to 5:30pm - Finish running errands for work.

5:30pm - Rush to meet my ex-husband to make a trade: Kids' left behind stuff for some child support. I think I got the better end of the deal (in this instance).

5:35pm - Money flies out of my hands and into the coffers of giant corporations (aka Saturn and Sprint) via my father.

5:37pm - Race to make it to the dry cleaners so that I am able to actually wear decent, warm clothes in Canada.

6:30pm - Get clothes, drive home, get inside, remember that I have a prescription to pick up, turn around, go back to car, and drive to pharmacy.

6:40pm - Hear my name called as I enter the pharmacy area. Turn to see who it is and cringe.

6:41pm - Work out a payment plan with my ex-landlord (who was fortunate enough to run into me after I avoided his calls for the last three weeks) for the electric bills he didn't tell me about until they were astronomically high thus causing me to avoid him like the plague while I figured out which street corner is the most profitable.

6:45pm - Leave with prescription for happy pills in hand and finally head home to pack my suitcase and clean my terrifyingly messy apartment.

6:45pm to present - Half-ass clean my apartment since it's the last thing I want to be doing, make a list of things to pack, dawdle, chat online with Cindy, play Scrabble, procrastinate, etc.

I must go to bed soon. Abrasaint and I are leaving for the airport at 4:42am. (See what I mean about him being a saint? He's driving me to the airport at FOUR FORTY-TWO IN THE MORNING! ON A HOLIDAY!)

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday. I have no doubt that mine will be splendid.

And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thank you all for being so wonderful. You make writing here such a pleasure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hairball story has horrified me. I want to send the link to friends, but I don't want to make them yak!

What a day you had...

Be glad you don't eat your hair.