Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

I've spent a lot of time in the past couple of days brooding over the fact that I allow my ex to cause so much strife in my life. It's ridiculous and it has to stop. I have moments when I'm empowered and feel invincible against his verbal barbs and seething glares. Those moments, sadly, are few and far between.

It's ironic that I left him to get away from his belittling and to regain my self-esteem only to find out that it's even harder now because I feel more vulnerable than I did when I was in the relationship. That's not how it was supposed to happen. Not at all.

I have no one to blame but myself. I should let it roll off my shoulders and give thanks once again that I don't have to live with it on a daily basis anymore. He has no power over me. Yet, a big part of me still lives in fear that he does, and that I always need to be on the ready for an attack.

Fuck. I swear I can't think of anything worse than going through a divorce that isn't amicable. I realize amicable divorces are few and far between, but they do happen. I envy those people.

Did I mention that I'm PMSing? (A glorious malady that I've only recently acquired and it is kicking my emotional ass.) I try to keep that in mind as I crumple into tears with each of his verbal onslaughts. But even though I know that during a non-PMS week it would affect me a great deal less, I still feel like my world is crashing down around me.

(Yes, yes, I know I need some therapy. I'm working on it.)

Why, oh why, didn't I listen to my teenage-self say that I wouldn't dream of marrying him for fear that he would turn into his father? Gut instinct, kids. There's something to it.


Anonymous said...

Interrupt him on his next tirade to simply say, "I will not accept this kind of talk from you any longer. I left you because of it and I won't tolerate it anymore." If he keeps speaking, hang up.

And call your insurance company back.

Love you.

Jasra/Lisa said...

I agree with S.

I had an amicable divorce, but we didn't have kids. Just kitties.