Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Let's Start Over

(I wrote this entry over three days. Very slowly. On the third day, I found my voice. Sort of.)

The hints to update my blog that started out being subtle like "Is your keyboard broken?" or "Is your internet down?" or "Is everything okay?" have turned to "When are you going to update your damn blog?"

I've been having major writer's block. I seriously cannot think of a single thing to write about. It's disconcerting. Occasionally, I'll have an idea flutter through my head, but I'm never quick enough to catch it.

I know at least part of the issue is my choosing not to discuss my children here. Because they are such an incredible and consuming part of my life, it's very difficult not to talk about them -- at least in passing. So, I'm going to talk about my kids. Their names will be Jack and Jill.

(There. I already feel lighter.)

Now ... on with blogging.

Last week, I came home to a package. My spirits rose enormously when I saw that the package was for me and not my father (whose mailbox at home, incidentally, is in a much more secure place than mine. I'm always amazed that my packages don't just walk away.). The package was from my friend, Hilary.

Jill was with me (while Jack was at a class) and we rushed upstairs to open it. We opened the box and the first thing we saw were these:

(My favorite guy is the second from the right. His name is Seth and he's from Tennessee. Jack has declared Steve from Georgia [the fine specimen on the far left] to be Jill's boyfriend and he has earned a spot next to Jill's picture on the fridge.)

Jill was intrigued as to why anyone would want such silly magnets, but wanted to dig deeper into the box and check out the other loot. I'm sure her line of thinking was that she could possibly find something that she could lay her little hands on as her own.

We dug deeper and came across some other awesome goodies one of which was a journal. A Wonder Woman journal whose cover changes as you move it. (For the life of me, I can't think of what that's called.) I think Wonder Woman just might be the key to unblocking the writer's block.

When those ideas flutter through my head, I'll jot them down in my journal. That way when I end up in front of a computer, I can pull out my Wonder Woman journal and become inspired. Either that or I'll stare at the pages with incomprehension wondering what I meant when I wrote, "Tomatoes, sex, and Mitt Romney."

Either way, I'm hopeful that Wonder Woman will save the day blog and we'll be rolling again. And if that doesn't do it, I can always blog about the conversations Jill has with the naked men in oven mitts.

Thank you so much, Hilary!


Anonymous said...

What a fun package! this is so odd, but I just have to tell you . . . I read your latest post first and you mentioned "Jill's birth". I thought, "Hmm. She must have dubbed the kids Jack and Jill so she can talk about them." Imagine my surprise when I scroll down and read this post --- only to see that you did, in fact, do just that! Great minds, my friend, great minds . . .

Hilary said...

You're welcome! :-)

pinky pinkerson said...

The word for your changing journal is "lenticular." I love lenticular things :-)